Newsletter 28 June 2019


Dear Parents

Well, this is a bit of a moment for me as this is the last time that I will be writing a Newsletter to you with this heading. Don’t let that fool you into thinking that there won’t be any more Newsletters, however. A Lower School missive will still keep you informed of all our fabulous learning. It’s a case of, ‘The King is dead! Long live the King!’ really in my heart right now! And this Project Week really has been a fabulous finale for our wonderful Pre-Prep. We have designed a magnificent wardrobe of recyclable garments complete with footwear and hats and we made the most wonderful kites. Mrs Carver didn’t think that they would fly, but we filled the skies with them as we ran below singing ‘Let’s go fly a kite’, though I do have to confess that there were a few kite-casualties and running repairs. The Eco bag designs were wonderful and I hope that you were able to have a look at them when they were displayed in the front hall. The bags were judged by our Marketing Team. They were looking for a simple design which conveyed a strong message and which could be easily reproduced. An overall winner, Maxwell (R), was selected from the class winners of Emily (Y2), Alice (Y1) and Hettie (N). This winning design will be made into printed bags which we will then be able to sell at our Christmas Market and on other occasions and all proceeds will go to an environmental charity which our children will choose next term. In this small way we can start to reduce plastic in our world. I think that this in itself is a good way to say good bye to our Pre-prep. We encouraged the children to think for themselves, to come up with solutions and to deliver. You will be delighted to know that we will continue to do this and more under the title of Lower School.

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